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Stadium Chair Comparison

Never has attending a sporting event been more enjoyable, than when you can do so from the comfort of a stadium chair. No longer will you be seated on a cold wet bleacher with your back aching. Instead you can enjoy the game in complete relaxation, as long as you team is winning. The only really decision you have to make is whether you want the Wide or Traditional version.

Every Stadium Chair is constructed from a powder coated tubular steel frame and cordova canvas, ensuring that durability is never an issue season after season. There are also rubber non-slip skids on the bottom of each frame, to prevent you from slipping and sliding around on a bench. Its folds up easily and can be transported to and from the game with no hassle. These Stadium Chairs are designed to fit all types of bleachers no matter the material or condition. You can also choose the colors of your team, and even customize them with embroidery. Both the Wide and Traditional come in version that include arm rests as well, for maximum comfort and support.

When choosing which of the stadium chair sizes youÆll be taking to the next game, youÆll want to consider one main feature. As you can imagine, the Wide Stadium Chair offers a bit more coverage than the traditional chair. The wide version measures 20ö across, which is 3 inches larger than the 17ö of the traditional. This is ideal for a larger supporter, or anyone who just prefers more room. For those who will be using that at colder outdoor events, you may want to consider the wider version to account for the additional layers you might be wearing. The only other differences between the two chairs is the weights (Wide: 10lbs, Traditional: 7.5lbs) and the maximum weights in which they can support (Wide: Max 400lbs, Traditional: Max 350lbs). No matter which chair you decide to go with, you can ensure the games will be much more enjoyable in a Stadium Chair from Sports Unlimited.