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Sprints & Hurdles

Whether you're looking for track and field equipment for your own personal use or for an athletic department's use, finding the right equipment can go a long way. These pieces of equipment are usually long-term purchases, so you want to make sure you get the best choice for your personal needs. We offer a wide range of starting blocks, from indoor starting blocks with no spikes or any piece of in-ground material, to one-piece, outdoor starting blocks with anchor pins to stay in the ground.

Hurdles and relay batons are essential pieces of any track team's department. We offer plenty of different hurdles for each of your specific needs. If you are training and trying to work on your hurdle game at home, you should look into training hurdles. If you are supplying your track department's need of hurdles, you should get either "High School Hurdles" or "Collegiate Hurdles," depending on the level of competition. If you need help finding the right piece of equipment, call our customer service experts at 610-825-6368, and theyll help you find exactly what you're looking for.

Sprints & Hurdles

Sprints & Hurdles